Happy Family Portrait

The picture is like any other.   The father stands protectively over his family, a proud grin plastered on his face. His eyes shining with utter happiness. Arms resting around his beautiful wife.   The mother looking dearly at her husband and children. Her dress ironed to perfection for the occasion, and her lips lined […]

A-Z Assignment

A is for Art Gallery Pick a painting to work with. Go for something figurative. Tell its story in detail as if you’re describing a scene. Stay within the frame. Focus on describing what you see before moving on to the ‘story’. When you’ve written for at least 20 minutes, allow yourself only one reference […]

Self Portrait

There is a mirror in my bedroom. It stands tall in the corner casting out its dark presence,  filling the room with a smokey kind of fear the kind you get lost in. I  try to ignore its constant mocking telling me to look in to finally see the truth, but I am afraid afraid […]

Sweet Dreams

There’s an ancient, ancient house that I see sometimes in my dreams, Where the empty windows glare down at me as I walk towards the remains of what used to be, Where the air is filled with the sweet scent of forget-me-not’s And the vase of roses on the kitchen table wither into grey, The […]